SLPA program at Biola University
Biola University located in Southern California offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of communication disorders. The university also offers a competitive SLPA programs for students who are interested in pursuing their SLPA license.
Just a little bit of background about Biola University:
Biola University is a private Christian university that was founded in 1908 as a Bible Institute. Since this is a religious school, they reserve the right to deny admission and employment to people who are not Christian.
Why Biola University?
Biola University offers clinical experience to both its graduate and undergraduate students to gain hands on experience with diverse populations under direct guidance and supervision of faculty and instructors. They also provide Biblical perspective with Christian worldview in all their courses and clinical classes.
Master’s program
Graduate programs for Speech Language Pathology (SLP) take about 2 years and has a total of 63 program credit.
Bachelor’s program & SLPA program
Undergraduate programs in communication disorders (SLPA) take 4 years, and has a total of 123 program credits. The program offers 56 major units of both academic and clinical education.
One factor that makes Biola University’s SLPA program different from other programs is that Biola University offers clinical training at an undergraduate level. Most undergraduate programs don’t offer this opportunity.
The program also offers both on-campus and off-campus clinics where students can have hands on clinical experience.
One thing to keep in mind about Biola University is that it is a religious school. Once you get admitted to the program, you are required to complete biblical studies, faith integration prayer project in the beginning of the semester, followed by Fait Integration Journal Entries throughout the semester and a Faith Integration Final Reflection. The teaching methods are aligned with biblical studies and learning is based on religious principles as well as clinical.
Are you a student close to graduating?
Check out our employment section to brows our open positions we have right now. We are hiring SLP’s, SLPA’s, and CFY’s.
Careers – Speech Improvement Center
For students,
We do have on site SLP’s who are open to supervising students, however, we have limited availability. To know more about completing your field work hours with us, please call 818.206.4547
Learn how to become a SLPA in CA:
How to become a Licensed SLPA in California – Speech Improvement Center